Week 1, Term 2 - 2023
Dear St James Community,
Welcome to Term 2; we hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable holiday break and is ready for the learning, spirituality and joy that awaits us throughout Term 2.
At the conclusion of Term 1, we recalled the Paschal Mystery of Christ (His life, death, and resurrection) during a special Liturgy. The children were amazing as they acted out the events of Holy Week and the stations of the cross that occurred on Good Friday; on Wednesday this week, we celebrated Jesus' resurrection.
Alleluia, Alleluia, he is risen, he is risen indeed! Alleluia.
Easter Liturgy
Term 2 Dates & Events
Our Term ahead is a busy and exciting one, with many learning, community and engagement activities planned; please note the upcoming events scheduled for Term 2 as outlined below.
- May 3rd: St James Feast Day
- May 11th: Mother's Day Stall
- May 12: Mother's Day Breakfast
- May 28th: School Fete
- May 30th: Pupil Free Day
- June 6th, 7th and 8th: Parent Teacher Student Conferences
- June 9th: School Athletics
- June 12th: King's Birthday Public Holiday
- June 14th-15th: Murwillumbah Eisteddfod
- June 23rd: School Athletics backup day
- June 30th: PiTW Championships / Term 2 celebration of learning day / Final day of Term 2
Event advance notice:
The Director of Catholic Schools, Mr Adam Spencer has given schools an additional pupil-free day for 2023 to support our staff as we continue to implement the new K-2 curriculum and begin planning and learning for the new 3-6 curriculum that commences in 2024. To this end, we have scheduled this day Monday, October 9th; the first day of Term 4. In advance, we thank everyone for supporting our staff's professional learning.
Catholic Schools Week
In the past week, our school joined with more than 620 Catholic schools across NSW and the ACT to celebrate the annual Catholic Schools Week (CSW).
This year’s theme “Living our Mission’’ highlights the mission of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lismore. The Catholic school community has a co-responsibility in the service of mission through sharing Jesus’ messages of love and forgiveness, peace, hope, and joy as revealed in the Gospels. The transforming power of mission ensures our students experience the fullness of life (John 10:10).
We are immensely proud of the important role the Catholic school has alongside our Bishop, Parish Priest, school staff, parishioners and families in the missionary activity of bringing the ‘Good News' to the world.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our Catholic school and for sharing the joy and pride you have about St James in the wider community; we are indeed blessed to call St James Primary our 'educational home'!
St James Feast Day
St James Feast Day is celebrated on Wednesday 3rd May.
In essence, this celebration captures all the goodness, faith, learning, and joy that encompasses our school for those who call St James Primary their educational home.
Students will celebrate this occasion with Mass at 2:10 pm in the MPC. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Happy Feast Day!
Tell Them From Me
Each year St James Primary undertakes a parent, student, and staff survey that asks questions about the organisational health of our school community. This data is vital in shaping our school improvement planning and future directions. The 2023 survey opened on 24 April 2023 (4:30pm AEST) and closes on 12 May 2023 (4:30pm AEST). Parents received a link to the live survey via Compass earlier this week [http://tellthemfromme.com/8sqvf]. Please take the time to complete the survey so that we can continually improve and offer the best education available for our students!
Emergency Management Planning
The safety of our students, families and staff is our highest priority. In order to best ensure
this, the St James leadership and staff, supported by the Catholic Schools Office, plan for
a number of possible incidents, emergencies or natural disasters that could take place at
school or during the school term. The events of recent years have reinforced how important
this planning is and we all have a role to play when it comes to emergency management,
including families.
Our students participate in various safety drills and staff participate through training and safety
drills. We’d like to share with you the role of parents and families in emergency management.
School Lockdown
A number of the situations we plan for include a school lockdown as one of the immediate
safety actions to ensure the safety of our students and staff. We understand that some may
understand the word ‘lockdown’ to mean there is an immediate safety risk to all students. It is
important to understand that when a school initiates a lockdown this may not be the case.
Depending on the situation, the purpose of a school lockdown will differ. A school lockdown
may be a preparation step for an evacuation, or a school lockdown may allow emergency
services access to an area of the school without having to navigate past students. Regardless
of the purpose of a school lockdown, no one can be admitted to the school grounds other
than emergency services.
Should we initiate a school lockdown, parents and families will be informed via text message and a
Compass notification. We will also inform parents and families as soon as the school
lockdown has been lifted or if there are any actions required of parents and families. It is
important that you do not attempt to attend the school during a school lockdown. We
understand that you may be concerned however attending the school may also add risk to a
possible emergency situation, block emergency services or impede an evacuation.
Natural Disaster
In the event of a natural disaster, such as flood or bushfire, the school leadership, supported
by the Catholic Schools Office, will determine if it is safe for the school to open. If there is a
probability the school may have to close part way through the day, the school will not open for
that day as it is extremely difficult to evacuate a school site and ensure all students are able to
go directly home safely.
In a bush fire or flood event it is important that parents and families have a plan to get your
child/ren home from school, or into your care, at short notice. Please be aware that school
buses may not be running and the school can not allow your child/ren to go home to an empty
house or home with another parent without your permission.
Family Preparedness
How can you help us prepare for emergency situations? Please ensure that:
● You have downloaded Compass and have allowed notifications.
● Any changes to your contact details or custodial arrangements have been updated
with the school.
● You have a bush fire/flood plan in place that all members of your family understand.
● In the event of a school lockdown or evacuation, directions in the parent notifications
are followed.
It is always our hope that these measures will never be needed but it is also our responsibility
to ensure our school community is prepared and informed should the need arise. We thank
you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Nigel McIntyre, Work Health and Safety Manager, Catholic Schools Office
Road Safety
Approximately 1200 students and 150 staff need to move in and around the College and Primary School each morning and afternoon, and as you're aware the traffic can be congested.
To this end, safety must be the number 1 priority for everyone, so please be kind and patient with one another and at all times promote safe practices and follow all rules for the sake of our children.
To support traffic flow the College and Primary have co-created a traffic management plan (see link below); please be familiar with this and enact it at all times.
We sincerely thank the families who continually follow these guidelines.
Mother's Day Breakfast
On Friday, May 12th our traditional Mother's Day breakfast will be held outside the library (7:30 am). We look forward to hosting everyone as we celebrate and acknowledge our Mothers and mother figures.
Our second Dad's Woodwork event is scheduled for Friday 12th May, 7pm in the MPC. All Dads are invited to come along and watch professional sporting events, and play pool, darts, and cards, whilst meeting other dads from our community. The AFL, NRL, and Basketball will be on the three screens for your viewing pleasure!
The first event was a great success and it was terrific to see new relationships form, laughs shared and find out who was the "pool shark" of the St James community!
- All students for returning to school with positive attitudes.
- All families for supporting our Easter Raffle, and especially those parents who led the event.
- Our maintenance crew who worked tirelessly during the break to ensure our learning environment is beautiful.
To conclude
Today we held the St James inaugural whole school student retreat: Yandihndi
Our theme, Accompany, Go with, Take along; echoes our school motto Family in Christ, as we journey together to ignite a faith-filled community through student discipleship and spiritual formation. Students engaged tremendously well in the activities that helped build connections with self, others, and Jesus. The liturgy in the MPC with parents was a highlight of the day that celebrated the occasion and enabled us all to accompany, go with, and take along!
With blessings,