Week 9, Term 2 - 2024
Dear St James Community,
We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the entire community for contributing to the success of our school term. With your unwavering support and dedication, we have achieved significant milestones and created an environment conducive to learning and growth. Your involvement, through volunteering and partnering with us to support student learning, has positively influenced each child's educational experience. As we celebrate the successful culmination of this school term, let us cherish the knowledge we have gained and the experiences that have shaped us.
We are very grateful for the support you've given us as we've been the Acting co-principals over the latter part of Term 2. The final day of Term 2 is Thursday, July 4th [Friday, July 5th is a pupil free day] and we recommence school on Tuesday, July 23rd [Monday, July 22nd is a pupil free day]. We will also welcome back Mr McTaggart at the start of Term 3.
Term 2 memories
Play is the Way Championships
The Celebration of Learning Day for Term 2 will be held on Thursday, July 4th. We hope that many parents and friends can join us for the events and lunch.
- 11:20am-1:20pm: Play is the Way Showcase and Championship.
- 1:20pm: Shared lunch (Please note there is no canteen).
-Children may wear a jersey/coloured top showcasing their favourite sporting team. Children wear their usual school shorts and shoes.
Next term Year 3 will prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. This begins the sacramental journey which finishes in Year 4 with the First Holy Communion. A letter of information about the Parish program, and enrolment form have been sent to all students in Year 3. Enrolment forms need to be handed to the Church and can be handed in on Sunday the 7th July at 9am Mass or Saturday 20th July at 5pm Mass.
If your child is in years 4, 5, or 6 and would like to join this program, please email Mrs Sanderson (AP Mission) (bpp@lism.catholic.edu.au) and she will send you information about the sacramental program.
Farewell Fr Wilber
On Sunday 23rd June, Fr Wilber led his last mass at our St Joseph's Parish. Our parish schools came together to acknowledge and appreciate all that Fr Wilber has done for us, presenting him with his very own Akubra hat to wear at his new parish in Casino.
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields, And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Chickens - Term 3
Our school chickens (Rosalind, Henrietta, Marigold & Petunia) need care during the Term 3 weekends and the end of Term 3 holidays. So, we invite families to go on the roster as explained below.
Term 3 weekend roster:
- Attend school on Saturday and Sunday and feed the chickens food scraps from home and give them some seed (provided). Check the eggs and take them home to enjoy some yummy scrambled, poached, or fried eggs!
July holiday roster:
- Attend school for a period of days during the July holiday break (according to the roster) and feed the chickens food scraps from home and give them some seed (provided). Check their water and feeder. Check the eggs and take them home to enjoy some yummy scrambled, poached, or fried eggs!
Families who join the roster will have access to the school with a key for the side gate and an outline of what to do. If you'd like to join the upcoming Term 3 roster, please email the school by Wednesday, July 24th (bpp@lism.catholic.edu.au). In advance, thank you for helping us take care of our little chicks!
School Improvement Goals: Fortnightly update
Short Term Goals
Our recent short-term goal was "families will complete the parent feedback from the Learning Conferences, using the insights template." We now have many more students that have received lovely feedback from their parents. Thank you for supporting your child and this very important aspect of our continuous reporting.
Our new short-term goal will be "families will engage with the semester report to celebrate academic achievement, individual characteristics related to social skills/learning behaviours and to further understand their child's next steps in learning."
Semester one reports will be published to Compass on Tuesday 2nd July. At this time we will send a link to a video that will further support your understanding of the semester report.
Term 2 & 3 Dates & Events
Please note the upcoming events scheduled for the remainder of Term 2.
- July 2nd: Public speaking finals
- July 2nd: Reports published to parents.
- July 3rd: 100 days of Kindergarten Celebration.
- July 4th: PiTW Championships Day/Final Day of Term 2.
- July 5th: Pupil Free Day.
Please note the upcoming events scheduled for Term 3.
- July 22nd: Pupil free day / Mr. McTaggart returns to school.
- July 23rd: First day of Term 3.
- July 29th: NAIDOC Week commences.
- August 2nd: Zone Athletics.
- August 8th: Parent Community Group Meeting.
- August 8th: Tweed Public Speaking event.
- August 23rd: Book Week Dress up day & Grandparents Day.
- August 27th - 29th: Learning Conferences.
- August 30th: Father's Day Breakfast.
- September 5th: Sacrament of Confirmation.
- September 6th: Stage 3 gala day.
- September 12th: Safe of Socials incursion
- September 13th: R U OK day.
- September 26th: Final day of Term 3 & School Spectacular (evening event)
- September 27th: Pupil Free Day.
- All families, staff, and students for sharing a wonderful Term 2.
- Langan and Fyfe families for caring for the chickens over the past weekends.
To conclude
In closing Term 2, we pray that you have a restful, safe and enjoyable holiday break; we recommence school on Tuesday, July 23rd.
With blessings,
Karen & Kylie.
Upcoming events
Please note the following upcoming events......
Parenting support & learning
Please note the following parenting supporting & learning items.....
Teach Your Child to be an Upstander
An upstander is a student who actively observes and takes action when they witness
bullying, whether it involves intervention, interruption, or speaking out against it. Their role
is paramount because without an "upstander", the peer facing bullying will frequently
experience an overwhelming sense of isolation, compounded by the fact that there are
bystanders who choose to remain silent. This silence not only fosters the belief that others
are indifferent but also suggests approval of the ongoing bullying behaviour.
There are some simple messages that you can teach your child.
1. To treat others the way we would like to be treated (Luke 6:31).
● Help your child to understand what bullying is and the different forms it can
take in school and online. By teaching your child about bullying and the need to face it with courage, you can help them to be brave and stand up to bullying
● Social exclusion is a hurtful form of bullying that is more prominent now than
face-to-face bullying. Social exclusion can occur online and face-to-face.
Encourage your child to talk to you or a trusted adult if they see this harmful
behaviour in order to problem solve how they can help.
● Teach your child that if they are standing by and watching bullying behaviour
face to face or online would they be fine with this behaviour occurring to them?
This can teach empathy. Also asking ‘What if this was happening to your best
friend or sibling?’ can help to teach compassion.
2. Every person, regardless of what he or she looks or acts like, is created in the image
of God (Gen. 1:26-27; James 3:9-10) and is worthy of the dignity that God gives to
every person.
● Model and teach your child to respect diversity. Teach your child that it is hurtful
to bully others based on aspects such as their physical features, skin colour,
race, skill level, and age.
● Model and teach your child to be open and accepting of diversity in school and
the community. A way to help your child understand empathy is to use the
concept of the circle of concern. According to the Harvard University project
‘Making Caring Common’, children are generally kind and empathetic to people
they know, but parents can help teach children to be kind and empathetic to
people outside of their immediate circle of concern. Start with someone in your
street, a new classmate or a relative who may be socially excluded, and
encourage your child to start a conversation. Teach them to look for similarities,
not differences. Encourage your child to ask a classmate who plays or always
sits alone to join them during break time.
● Talk to them openly and honestly about how we are all unique and different.
Remind your child that everyone likes feeling included and appreciated by
experiencing kindness and friendship at school.
● Consider the values you reflect to your child. Encourage the values of inclusion
and kindness in your family life so that your child learns and acts on these
Watch with your child Toasted TV: How to be a bullying upstander from kidshelpline.
Other information
Please note the following additional information.....